or MAF, has hired me to fix the records system within their Policy Department. Whooda thunk they'd Lettuce? Now Beth's in Social Development and I'm in 'primary industries'.
MAF'S Mission is:
Enhancing New Zealand's Natural Advantage.
Through our purpose:
Leading the protection and sustainable development of our biological resources for all New Zealanders.
The Three Outcomes we are working to achieve are:
Economy: | Sustainable economic growth and prosperity for New Zealanders |
People: | Healthy New Zealanders and a vibrant rural community |
Environment: | Maintained and Enhanced economic, social and cultural benefits for New Zealanders from the natural environment |
It's the best thing to happen since a Library Card! At least.
The last few weeks, the term 'draw-down' reached critical nature. Corresponding to an upswing in summer happenings, t he full-court press of the work search tested the best of me. Once again, I'd like to thank Beth for her loving kindness and initiative.
But it's over. Now I get to dig around in the files and documents of the agriculturally richest nation in the world!