No, it's not 'Seeing is believing' (Ver es Creer), but it is Espanol...
On Saturday, I celebrated Earth Day by passing the CLEP test in Spanish. Testing out in this will facilitate my graduation in June with a Bachelor of Arts. There aren't many out there who've lived as long as I've been in school, but to those who never gave up on me I salute and offer gracious thanks. Most of all for the support of my mother Sandra, my wife Betsy, Jacqui Rickman and Tom Sheridan. Your love is priceless.
I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog anymore--perhaps you withdrew for fear of holding my studies back. That excuse now has expired. I still hope for your participation!!
And I especially look forward to calling, writing, talking, playing and being with many of you in the coming year. Living is Growth!
Til we meet again,
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