Friday, June 23

Brewin' Views: Mad or Dead [inside]?

Office workers unite! Teamwork, you want?!?

On the Western Skyline

As I read in Michael Pollan's An Omnivore's Dilemma, one contributor to global warming is actually flatulance. No, not your(s) truly. You see, cattle have eaten grass for eons, yet in our wisdom we currently forcefeed corn (and hormones, antibiotics) into a singularly fantastical digestive system that cannot handle it. One outcome is that the average cow lasts less than eighteen months fattening for slaughter, no more (most are nursed there, unhealthy). The other is that they get tremendously bloated, and the 'outcome' of this is methane. Tons of it. Diligent scientists have been working for decades to solve the problem technologically, (all the while) ignoring that it is our addiction to corn (and beef) that is the problem.

Round and round and round we go (a wall to hem us in, It won't be long...)

262 times the pay of the average worker, is the CEO's pay. Jon Stewart recently pointed out that Congress' rejection of the recent raise of (the federal) minimum wage is overshadowed by the fact that IN NINE YEARS THEY HAVE RAISED THEIR OWN PAY NINE TIMES. And you know $5.15 ought to be enough to raise a family in our great country.

Happy Summer! Got Air?

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