What a place. No, not the Urbana Cornfest with Parliament headlining(the above wildlife).
Yellowstone National Park! We saw bisons, martens, bald and golden eagles, coyotes, fox, deer, elk, a moose, a bear, and a cougar. Two men were attacked by grizzlys in a week (they shared a room at the hospital!), which provided the purrfect distraction. The weather was just about perfect, too. Sixties and sunny to thirties at night. Bets, Sugi and I camped for a solid week in Wyoming. Every day was a deliciously slow learning curve on packing, sleeping in the outdoors, etc.
Hii guys. 'tis Lea...yeah. sounds like your havin fun. hows Sugi?
Sugi pants her appreciation!
Her health seems ok.
Her spirits are real good, she is so happy to be 'ryding' on the open road. She loves checking into rooms, considering the other non-petted travelers (and their swank rides) and the pack they might offer (Hmmmmm?)
All around, she can't hike no more--but she is a very willing traveler. WOooff!
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