Friday, December 21


Beth got her work permit and visa! We're promised Jesse's on Monday. All our deliveries and fixes and installations came through by Friday, and we dare say we have a working household now. It's only today, then, that I'm starting to let myself believe that we are set up for a year of life in Wellington, New Zealand, with income,with an interesting place to live, and with each other, mended many times over but still hanging on and a little giddy.

There was a big earthquake just north of us last night. We'll hope for some lasting power in this land of volcanoes and fault lines.


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy and Jesse,
Wow! Beth, you landed a job and in IT and for the government no less!!Congrats! Jess, it'll all fall into place for you. Not to worry. Your pics look great, I've read every word in your
blog...interesting, very interesting! I can only imagine the memories and journaling you can hand down to any children that you may have one day. Everything is norm here, winter weather, snow and cold. Dreznes Christmas party just days away. If you received email from Jeff, one day ago announced Stacy pregnant, today email of miscarriage. Sad. Think of you often, envious of you in NZ and even more of your family with Christmas in Puerto Rico!! Nothing like a tropical Christmas. Much love and kisses. Aunt Loretta

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS!! for all us family and friends out here, watching to see everything fall into place for you two.

I like th note about the earthquake. Makes me think that it's preparing you for Homer-Dixon's social earthquake you quoted a while back.