Friday, August 15

Mega edition

Six ways from sunday

As if two decades of watching 'COPS' weren't enough:

What is GEOS?
I dunno, but maybe my Arvada friends Bean and Tom, will.

Don't Look up: Canada

Dandelion rubber?

Snips from this nyt article on hurricanes in Florida:

A dangerous level of complacency

For many, though, the message has yet to register.

“My concern is that they will get the religion at the very last moment,” he said. “Then they want everybody to help them at the very last moment, a stroke of good luck: “there is hurricane amnesia.”

“It’s human nature,” an overconfidence in the strength of their homes.

Bring it down now: Jumping on Eggs

Nano: Why ask why; it may one day save us from ourselves, and other nonsense

Faith in humanity; bring on the pooting preacher!

From Peak Metals: What the world needs, Mr Hiemstra said, is “breakthrough thinking on every level about everything"

I see the latest in EcoJohns is propane incineration? (Maybe if it heats the outhouse!)
I dunno, why can't we continue to flush 16 gallons of drinking water each time?!?

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