Brave new world: beaming sound. Innovatively intrusive!
More bad stuff: trickle down of domination an image
"Alexis Zanis recently received a master's degree in library and information sciences, but hasn't been able to land a full-time job. So recently she began applying for retail positions."
Choose your own...Paradox.
Okay, some choose us. Gross gender generalizations alert. Some apparently need to exercise their inner cougar. But with all of this empowerment, all of this wealth, isn't it supposed to be easier and or make us feel better?!? O, wait--is that the problem?! Stop sniggering--you in the back.
'Cause if you can't cope, there are a few billion who, having been beamed images of 'true' happiness, would love to have some of that something\\something. What a trip!
I'm finding that, halfway around the planet(yeah, yeah) wherever-you-go-there-(they?)you-are. Same body image, consumption and false expectation issues. It's enough to keep this man single.
Big sigh.
More on the pursuit (key word?) of happiness...
And the good news:
Pellet stoves: one investment I would make were I still in North America
A favorite blogger of mine
And the outcome (presently, in lovely detail) of his migration to New Zealand. It seems he made a better choice of partners! Heehee.
I hesitate to dream of such a positive outcome of our terrible, dead-end plastic addiction--but this could be great.
More progressive thinking, f(or) there is no tomorrow...
This website helps you do good. God, the kids and the whole world are watching.
Seed Catalog Art. Whooda thunk? Neato!
PRX ?? Jump For Joy!