Having become an 'expert'(unrelated science aside here) by virtue of right place, right time while working at a government agency (then contracting it!) I'm asked for advice on how to avoid swine flu. Here is my two cents:
Flu shot: nice if you can get them?!? Seeing that drug companies are (extremely profitable) businesses with questionable motives; especially given their cuddly relationship to tele-news, pundit-experts and politicians; I say you be the decider for yourself.
As they say, prevention is preferable. And often cheapest. Hands to face and mouth is the most likely conduit, followed by airborne (cough, sneezes etc. Shaking hands, counters, door handles should be avoided. Anal retentive jokes aside, minimize high contact (malls, money handling, enclosed crowded spaces) areas and utilize HAND SANITIZER liberally. I personally love the stuff. You can get as close as you want, just squeeze some of it and live on. And wash your hands regularly.
Facial masks offer little defense, rather they can prevent sharing of germs once one suspects or knows illness has set in. If you begin to feel ill, you should have become prepared for an unpleasant, but probably not terrible flu.
Once you get it: the stops are out. You and your immune system are the last line of defense before a trip to the hospital no one can afford. Have a plan.
I take a very dim view of cold and flu medications--they function to minimize the effect of symptoms (cough suppression etc.) while babying us with sweeteners and dyes. This stuff is even worse for us when our body is compromised.
Health Insurance is one facet of the control that pharmaceutical and other interests have over us. While skepticism is an intelligent way to look at alternative medicine, there is frankly active suppression and co-option of 'health remedies' that's been building for decades (similar to oil companies sudden belated interest in alternative energy). Anyway, I have personal experience that supports the use of some of them. If you are interested, drop me a line...
Some of the best:
Eat healthy. For god's sake, if not now, when? Especially miso soup, chicken and vegetable soup. Avoid all junk food, fast food, dairy, candy etc. Crack may be fun when your impervious, but less so following divorce or surgery! Ginger tea, vitamins if you wish, and most especially those things that promote vitality and immunity. Antioxidants, juice, plenty of water.
And most of all, rest. You won't feel like doing anything anyway. So SLEEP.
This is likely to be the best act of prevention, and of recovery.
Lastly, have someone near to look in on you, pull up a blanket or get some more tea!
Fevers are not conducive to much of anything (and if yours rises above 101--give the doctor a call), so having a buddy around is a good idea, non?!? You may well never see it, as many in the southern hemisphere have experienced. But it's always good to know the rules.
Take Care this season,
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