Well, we've found out once more that the gap between plans and reality (necessarily?) can be as breathtaking as the rims of the Grand Canyon. Comme Ci, comme Ca. Did I get that right?
Something was missing as we passed down the West Coast, and though Bets and I try valiantly with beer, gelato, and cold dips in clean water (no particular order) tumbling, tumbling provided the form of our sight seeing. The stars seem upside down as the Broncos implode and the Rockies ascend (Don't get me wrong, I'm right there with ya, m'boys). Fall trickled too; did not--fall as we've passed down the spine of the Pacific Rim.
Ah, well. Fate has had fortunate turns again, too. My brother Sean allowed us to house-sit his place in Oakland, a 'god-send' for we weary travellers, now flirting with 8000 elapsed. Always wanted to put those to verbs together---maybe I can do better.....
So anyway, we've lain in one spot for going on a week (Egad!) enjoying the sweet winds out here in the Bay area. Saw the peep shops and the qwazy hill streets, and the Blue Angels, and the Berkeley parks. Dunno what we'd have done without it.
1 comment:
And it was great having you here . . . even though we only overlapped for a few days, I was glad for the opportunity to talk with you both in greater depth than we have done in many years. Thanks!
- Sean
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